After School Program

ABGC After School

Registration Information

2025-2026 School Year

CURRENT Family Registration

Occurs in March.

NEW Family Registration:

For New Families there will be a lottery for any remaining open spaces remaining after Current Families have completed registration.

This year New Families will register for the lottery online:

  • You will login to your household ABCG account - or you will create an account if you do not already have one.
  • You do not have to have a current child membership to register for the lottery.
  • Please make sure your email address is correct in the registration system.

Afterschool GUARDIAN DROP OFF Lottery:

  • Preferred lottery choice is Guardian drop off-DO NOT NEED VAN TRANSPORT.
  • You must include the name of your child's school, grade and check off the days that you will need care.
  • We enter all applications received March 3rd-March 17th into a lottery.
  • The lottery will be conducted after March 17th and families will receive an email no later than April 1st as to the status of their application.
  • Afterschool GUARDIAN DROP OFF Lottery

Additional New Family Registration Information:

  • The registration for the lottery will be open March 3rd at 10 AM, and will be open until March 17th.
  • It does not matter what day you register for the lottery. All applications received March 3rd-March 17th will be entered into the lottery.
  • The lottery will be conducted after March 17th and families will receive an email no later than April 1st as to the status of their application.
  • Please register for the lottery according to the elementary school that the child/children will attend. If you are in a buffer zone and your school has not been assigned, you may register for the lottery for both schools.
  • Please include the grade/grades and check off the days that you will need care.
  • The Arlington Boys & Girls After School Program vans pick up at all seven Arlington public elementary schools. 

Please make sure your email address is correct in the registration system.

You will get an email confirmation of the lottery registration, and we will notify families as to the status of their spot via email. 


Families may choose 2-5 days per week.

Rates are 10 equal Monthly Payments:

  • 5-day rate w/ van transport- $665.00 rate for parent/guardian drop off $575.00
  • 4-day rate w/ van transport- $535.00 rate for parent/guardian drop off $460.00
  • 3-day rate w/ van transport- $435.00 rate for parent/guardian drop off $375.00
  • 2-day rate w/ van transport- $315.00 rate for parent/guardian drop off $275.00

Questions? Email the after school program at 

Email After School


2024-2025 Tuition & Billing Information

What is the billing schedule for After School?

Billing is run June 30th for September and then September-May for the months of October-June. Bills are run on the 1st of the month and are due on the 15th of the month unless the 1st falls on the weekend or holiday..

What are the Tuition Rates?


  • 5 day rate w/ van transport- $650.00 rate for parent/guardian drop-off $560.00     
  • 4 day rate w/ van transport- $520.00 rate for parent/guardian drop-off $445.00     
  • 3 day rate w/ van transport- $420.00 rate for parent/guardian drop-off $360.00     
  • 2 day rate w/ van transport- $305.00 rate for parent/guardian drop-off $265.00 

Please email any questions to the after school program at 

Email After School

About ABGC After School

The Arlington Boys & Girls Club offers a EEC licensed after school program for children enrolled in grades Kindergarten-5. The ABGC After School Program is designed to enrich the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of school age children.  We are open from September-June and offer care on school vacations and selected holidays.


  • To provide an environment of social adjustment in a peer group setting.
  • To assist in the development of self-awareness and independent thought.
  • To instill a sense of positive self image within each of our children.
  • To promote development of physical skills through activities requiring coordination and motivation.


  • The ABGC After School Program operates from September through June.
  • The daily schedule is 2:30-6pm or 1:00-6:00pm on early release days.
  • Early Release hours are offered. This schedule coincides with the Arlington Public Schools calendar.
  • Selected full days are offered when Arlington Public Schools are closed. The after school program sends a monthly newsletter with upcoming full day offerings and upcoming program closures.


Includes outdoor and indoor active play, arts & crafts, snack, activity time, and homework time, special events, and free swim in the pool (with parent/guardian permission).


For detailed information on the After School Program please consult the Parent Handbook.

Download Parent Handbook
Contact Information:
ABGC After School
60 Pond Lane
Arlington, MA 02474
781-648-1617 x 219
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