COVID -19:
With the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases nationally and locally, we want to provide important information and reminders about how we can best support a healthy fall at the Club.
Visiting the Club
Should you be absent from ABC Preschool, After School, or one of our other classes/programs due to testing positive for COVID-19, please notify the Club. To minimize transmission if you feel sick and have symptoms of a cold or flu please stay home.
Mask-friendly/Mask-Optional Building
We continue to follow CDC and Massachusetts Department of Health guidance on masking and ask that all members of our community respect the choices of others about whether to wear masks. We have a supply of masks available at the desk and they will be made available to anyone who wants one.
Please continue to follow the CDC’s guidance on testing which can be found here: COVID-19 Testing: What You Need to Know.
What to Do If You Test Positive
If you test positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, visit MA Department of Public Health for guidance and additional information. Found here: Covid-19 Isolation and Exposure Guidance for the General Public
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support of the Club.